Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's been a while since my last post. That is due partly to my fucking job wearing me down to a useless nub and partly owed to my hesitation in taking on the slate of topics I have set before myself.

My shrink gave me a series of exercises she wants me to go through. She wants me to list my fears and my goals (short and long term). She gave me some guidelines to keep me grounded.

I have recently learned how profound my split from reality is. Not that I think I'm Napoleon or need to wear a tin-foil hat, but when I look at myself through the filter of concrete reality the difference is striking. It is both thrilling and frightening.

Unfortunately, I lost the sheet of paper she gave me with the guidelines on it. Things like sticking to measurable, verifiable items.

I guess I'll just have to forge ahead and see what happens. Maybe I left it at work.

1 comment:

  1. quantifiable goals are good - not panacea (see no child left behind), but are helpful to motivate you and to check progress.
