Tuesday, January 13, 2009

satan has a legitimate claim on my soul

Here's the deal. I was raised by my father as a - sort of - superstitious agnostic. From an early age it was important to me to discover the answers to the great intangible questions of life. Chief among them: is there a god, and to a lesser extent: is there a devil?

In my early teens, using all of my pop culture info on the christian devil, I came up with a way to prove his non-existence. Standing in my parent's garage I offered, aloud, to sell my soul the the devil. My price, that he/she/it merely manifest itself.

The devil did not appear.

Five years later I had a bizarre dream. It seemed normal - full of snippets from my life. At some point an acquaintances of mine, at the time, turned to me and said something like: "Well. I'm here. You did not specify when I had to appear, nor where to appear."

It was perfect as far as my pop culture, teenage, understanding of the christian devil went. The devil is a con man, a trickster, who fools you into selling your most valuable "possession."

I had no proof of the existence or non-existence of the devil. I had sold my soul for a bad dream.

So, if he ever comes to collect, satan may have a legitimate claim on my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Put up your dukes and fite. If pop culture be yr read, then there are plaenty of instances where Satan was denied.

    Not in Dr. Dooms case, though, rite??
